(includes Addison, Allen, Carrollton, Denton, Frisco, Garland, Irving, Lewisville, Plano, Richardson, Rockwall & Rowlett)
●Ravelin Bakery – 416 South Elm Street; 940-382-8561; ravelinbakerydenton.com; European-style bakery.
Downtown (includes City Center, Deep Ellum, Design District, McKinney Avenue & West Village)
●Zaguan Latin Cafe & Bakery – 2604 Oak Lawn Avenue; 214-219-8393; zaguan.com; poor-man’s La Duni.
Mid-Town (includes Knox-Henderson, Lovers Lane & Mockingbird Lane)
●Eden – 4416 West Lovers Lane; 972-267-3336; eden-dallas.com; pastries.
●Trailercakes – 3001 Knox Street #101; 214-789-1642; trailercakes.com; cupcakes.
North Dallas (north of Mockingbird, south of 635; includes Allen, Frisco, Plano & Richardson)
●Crème de la Cookie – 6706 Snider Plaza; 214-265-5572; cremedelacookie.com; for best cinnamon roll in Dallas.
●Crème de la Cookie – 6025 Royal Lane; 214-363-4766; cremedelacookie.com; for best cinnamon roll in Dallas.
Oak Cliff
●Emporium Pies – 314 North Bishop Avenue; 469-206-6126; emporiumpies.com; try French silk chocolate with pretzel crust.
●Rush Patisserie – 1201 Eldorado Avenue; 214-749-4040; rushpatisserie.com; consistently perfect macaroons.
●Wild Detectives – 314 West 8th Street (Bishop Arts District); 214-942-0108; thewilddetectives.com; bookstore-coffee-Spanish wine shop.
Downtown Dallas (includes City Center, Deep Ellum, Design District, McKinney Avenue & West Village)
●Absinthe Lounge & Cigar Bar – 1409 South Lamar Street; 214-421-5500; absinthelounge.net; European-style bar.
●Cedars Social – 1326 South Lamar Street; 214-928-7700; thecedarssocial.com; owned by former NFL-er Brian Williams; over 50 specialty mixed drinks.
●Lee Harvey’s – 1807 Gould Street; 214-428-1555; leeharveys.com; super-hip bar & artists’ hangout.
●Cru Wine Bar – 3699 McKinney Avenue (at West Village); 214-526-9463; cruawinebar.com.
●La Duni Latin Kitchen – 4620 McKinney Avenue; 214-520-7300; laduni.com; Mexican; great bar & drinks; try margarinha.
●Magnolia – 3699 McKinney Avenue; 214-764-9106; landmarktheatres.com/market/dallas/themagnolia.htm; theatre bar.
●Mansion Bar – 2821 Turtle Creek Boulevard (at Mansion on Turtle Creek Hotel); 214-559-2100; rosewoodhotels.com; fire-place.
●Mason Bar – 2701 Guillot Street; 214-220-0227; themasonbar.com; separate, interior “Speakeasy,” called “Hi/Lo,” available for private bookings.
●Mi Cocina – 3699 McKinney Avenue (at West Village); 469-533-5663; mcrowd.com; sports agent-friendly bar.
●Midnight Rambler – 1530 Main Street (at Joule Hotel, in basement); 214-748-1300; midnightramblerbar.com; craft cocktail salon.
●Ocean Prime – 2101 Cedar Springs Road; 214-965-0440; oceanprimedallas.com; pretty outdoor patio open all year.
●Standard Pour – 2900 McKinney Avenue; 214-935-1370; tspdallas.com; cocktail mixology venue.
●Stephan Pyles – 1807 Ross Avenue; 214-580-7000; stephenpyles.com.
●Stirr – 2803 Main Street (Deep Ellum); 214-983-1222; facebook.com/Stirr-Dallas-1741028546163477; great atmosphere & view.
East Dallas (includes Garland, Lake Highlands, Lakewood, Lower Greenville Avenue & Mesquite)
●HG Sply Co. – 2008 Greenville Avenue; 469-334-0895; hgsplyco.com; fancy cocktails.
Mid-Town (includes Knox-Henderson, Lovers Lane, Lower Greenville & Mockingbird Lane)
●Beauty Bar – 1924 North Henderson Avenue; 214-841-9600; thebeautybar.com/dallas; New York empire’s Dallas outpost.
●Louie’s – 1839 North Henderson Avenue; 214-826-0505; facebook.com/pages/Louies/117309914953946; local lawyer-media hangout; best pizza in town.
●Rise No. 1 – 5360 West Lovers Lane; 214-366-9900; risesouffle.com; fire-place.
●Smyth – 4513 Travis Street; 214-520-0900; new speakeasy; completely unmarked (across from Villa O, between Sur La Table & was once Trece); reservation only, so be sure to get on Open Table, look for “The Establishment,” and book your spot.
North Dallas (north of Mockingbird, south of 635; includes Allen, Frisco, Plano & Richardson)
●La Duni Latin Kitchen – 8687 North Central Expressway (at Northpark Center); 214-987-2260; laduni.com; Mexican; great bar & drinks; try margarinha.
Oak Cliff
●Bar Belmont – 901 Fort Worth Avenue (at Belmont Hotel); 214-393-2300; belmontdallas.com/eats_drinks.html; great city views at sunset; fire-place.
●Foundry – 2303 Pittman Street; 214-749-1112; cs-tf.com; live music in courtyard; friendly neighborhood bar.
●Ten Bells Tavern – 232 West 7th Street; 214-943-2677; tenbellstavern.com; neighborhood bar, patio & restaurant in Bishop Arts District; named after nearly 300 year-old East London pub.
●Texas Theatre – 231 West Jefferson Boulevard; 214-948-1546; thetexastheatre.com; The.Best.Bar.In.Dallas.
●Wild Detectives – 314 West 8th Street (Bishop Arts District); 214-942-0108; thewilddetectives.com; bookstore-coffee-Spanish wine shop.
Oak Lawn
●Library Bar – 3015 Oak Lawn Avenue (at Warwick Melrose Hotel); 214-224-3152; landmarkrestodallas.com; sidle up to beautiful lapis lazuli bar in room lined with books.
Downtown Dallas (includes City Center, Deep Ellum, Design District, McKinney Avenue & West Village)
●Aloft Downtown – 1033 Young Street; 214-761-0000 or 877-462-5638; aloftdallasdowntown.com.
●Hotel St. Germain – 2516 Maple Avenue; 214-871-2516 or 800-735-2478; hotelstgermain.com; Relais & Chateaux boutique.
●Hotel ZaZa – 2332 Leonard Street; 214-468-8399 or 800-597-8399; hotelzaza.com/dallas.php; modern boutique.
●Joule – 1530 Main Street; 214-748-1300 or 800-325-3589; thejouledallas.com; outstanding rooftop pool, cantilevered over Main Street.
●W Hotel Dallas-Victory – 2440 Victory Park Lane; 214-397-4100 or 877-946-8357; wdallasvictory.com; book room on 15th floor (mega rooms).
East Dallas (includes Garland, Lake Highlands, Lakewood, Lower Greenville Avenue & Mesquite)
●Hotel Palomar – 5300 East Mockingbird Lane; 214-520-7969 or 800-546-7866; hotelpalomar-dallas.com.
Mid-Town (includes Knox-Henderson, Lovers Lane, Lower Greenville & Mockingbird Lane)
●Hotel Lumen – 6101 Hillcrest Avenue; 214-219-2400 or 800-908-1140; hotellumen.com; 34 rooms & rooftop terrace.
North Dallas (north of Mockingbird, south of 635; includes Allen, Frisco, Plano & Richardson)
●Aloft Plano – 6853 North Dallas Parkway (Plano); 214-474-2520 or 877-462-5638; aloftplano.com.
Oak Cliff
●Belmont Hotel – 901 Fort Worth Avenue; 214-393-2300 or 866-870-8010; belmontdallas.com; old motor court, turned boutique.
Oak Lawn
●Warwick Melrose – 3015 Oak Lawn Avenue; 214-521-5151 or 800-521-7172; warwickmelrosedallas.com.
●Burger Time Machine – 301 West University Drive; 940-384-1133; facebook.com/pages/Burger-Time-Machine/103002449769738; jumbo burgers & onion rings dished up in casual, retro-style joint with unassuming exterior.
Downtown Dallas (includes City Center, Deep Ellum, Design District, McKinney Avenue & West Village)
●Allgood Café – 2934 Main Street; 214-742-5362; allgoodcafe.com; Austin-style, home-cooking.
●Avila’s – 4714 Maple Avenue (at Kings Road); 214-520-2700; avilasrestaurant.com; Mexican food; sit on wooden benches.
●Burguesa Burger – 1201 Elm Street; 214-760-7376; burguesa.com; Mexican-American burger shack; try La Monumental.
●Capital Grille – 500 Crescent Court; 214-303-0500; thecapitalgrille.com; steak standby.
●CBD Provisions American Brasserie – 1530 Main Street; 214-261-4500; cbdprovisions.com; great French Fries.
●Cedars Social – 1326 South Lamar Street; 214-928-7700; thecedarssocial.com; owned by former NFL-er Brian Williams; try charred octopus chorizo; fire-place.
●Coal Vines – 2404 Cedar Springs Road; 214-855-4999; coalvines.com; pizza & excellent wine list; often crowded; nice outdoor seating weather permitting.
●Dallas Fish Market – 1501 Main Street; 214-744-3474; dallasfishmarket.com; sleek setting; regular fish dishes & sushi.
●Five Sixty by Wolfgang Puck – 300 Reunion Boulevard East (atop Reunion Tower); 214-741-5560; wolfgangpuck.com; notable for view.
●Flora Street Cafe – 2330 Flora Street; 214-580-7000; florastreet.com; modest-sized dining room; lofty space filled with masses of flowers & backlit alabaster panels; eclectic American cuisine.
●French Room – 1321 Commerce Street (at Adolphus Hotel); 214-742-8200; hoteladolphus.com/dining.
●FT33 – 1617 Hi Line Drive; 214-741-2629; ft33dallas.com; seasonally-driven menu.
●Kenichi – 2400 Victory Park Lane; 214-871-8883; kenichidallas.com; trendy Japanese lounge & restaurant.
●Lark on Park – 2015 Woodall Rodgers Freeway; 214-855-5275; larkonthepark.com; light, more lunch-appropriate food.
●Lee Harvey’s – 1807 Gould Street; 214-428-1555; leeharveys.com; super-hip bar & artists’ hangout; good paninis.
●Local – 2936 Elm Street (in Boyd Hotel); 214-752-7500; localdallas.com; Boyd Hotel is Dallas’ oldest standing hotel (built in 1908); guests include Bonnie and Clyde and jazz musicians Huddie “Ledbelly” Ledbetter, Blind Lemon Jefferson, & Bo Diddly; modern American restaurant.
●Mama’s Daughters’ Diner – 2014 Irving Boulevard (between Oak Lawn Avenue & Wycliff); 214-742-8646; mamasdaughtersdiner.com; home-cooking; great pies.
●Mansion on Turtle Creek – 2821 Turtle Creek Boulevard (at Mansion on Turtle Creek Hotel); 214-559-2100; rosewoodhotels.com/en/mansiononturtlecreek/dining/the_mansion_restaurant; since 2007, new chef Bruno Davaillon.
●Meddlesome Moth – 1621 Oak Lawn Avenue; 214-628-7900; mothinthe.net; gastro-pub with impressive beer selection; good for Sundays.
●Mercat – 2501 North Harwood Street; 214-953-0917; mercatbistro.com; order roast chicken for two.
●MesoMaya on Park – 1611 McKinney Avenue; 214-484-6555; mesomaya.com; fresh, hearty Mexican food.
●Nick & Sam’s – 3008 Maple Avenue; 214-871-7444; nick-sams.com; expensive steak house; chef’s table & raw bar.
●Nick & Sam’s Grill – 2816 Fairmount Street; 214-303-1880; nick-samsgrill.com; casual offshoot of Nick & Sam’s; nice patio.
●Nobu – 400 Crescent Court (at Crescent Hotel); 214-252-7000; noburestaurants.com/dallas; Japanese & Peruvian ingredients in this member of Nobu Matsushisa’s empire.
●Ocean Prime – 2101 Cedar Springs Road; 214-965-0440; oceanprimedallas.com; high-end seafood & steaks.
●Off The Bone Barbeque – 1734 South Lamar Street; 214-565-9551; offthebonebarbeque.com; converted gas station with limited outdoor patio seating only; BYOB; gourmet riffs on barbeque, like pecan-smoked ribs & brisket; many opt for takeout.
●Offsite Kitchen – 2226 Irving Boulevard; 214-741-2226; offsitekitchen.net; burgers.
●Old Warsaw Restaurant – 2610 Maple Avenue; 214-528-0032; oldwarsaw.com; continental classics.
●Pecan Lodge – 2702 Main Street; 214-748-8900; pecanlodge.com; barbecue; Kansas-City-style burnt ends.
●Place at Perry’s – 2680 Cedar Springs Road; 214-871-9991; placeatperrys.com; clubby bar & cozy dining room; try chicken-fried Texas lobster.
●Pyramid – 1717 North Akard Street; 214-720-5249; pyramidrestaurant.com; 3K square foot garden provides much of produce.
●San Salvaje – 2100 Ross Avenue; 214-922-9922; sansalvaje.com; Latin American.
●Savor – 2000 Woodall Rodgers Freeway; 214-306-5597; savor-relish.com/savor; described as gastropub but really better than that; all glass on park side with gorgeous park views & outdoor seating; all glass bar is lovely but food is worth staying for; lobster puffs are excellent.
●Si Tapas – 2207 Allen Street; 214-720-0324; sitapasdallas.com; patio; try cod croquettes, cauliflower gratin, and/or tuna empanadas.
●Slow Bone BBQ – 2234 Irving Boulevard; 214-377-7727; facebook.com/TheSlowBone.
●Standard Pour – 2900 McKinney Avenue; 214-935-1370; tspdallas.com; cocktail mixology venue that also serves food.
●Stephan Pyles – 1807 Ross Avenue; 214-580-7000; stephenpyles.com; modern American cuisine.
●Tanoshii Ramen – 2724 Commerce Street; 214-651-6800; tanoshiiramen.com; noodle bar; large mural depicts Monkey King, Chinese literary character.
●Tei An Soba House & Sushi – 1722 Routh Street (at 1 Arts Plaza); 214-220-2828; tei-an.com; Japanese Soba noodles.
East Dallas (includes Garland, Lake Highlands, Lakewood, Lower Greenville Avenue & Mesquite)
●B.B. Bop Seoul Kitchen – 5323 Greenville Avenue; 214-812-9342; bbbopricebowls.com; Korean noodle bowls; also, Vietnamese sandwiches.
●Barbec’s – 8949 Garland Road; 214-321-5597; hole-in-wall with reliable breakfasts & great biscuits (beer batter).
●Blind Butcher – 1919 Greenville Avenue; 214-887-0000; theblindbutcher.com; great French Fries made with duck fat.
●Bowl & Barrel – 8084 Park Lane, #145; 214-363-2695; bowlandbarrel.com; bowling &.
●First Chinese B-B-Q – 3405 West Walnut Street (Garland); 972-494-3430; firstchinesebbq.com; try roasted duck noodle soup.
●Garden Café – 5310 Junius; 214-887-8330; gardencafe.net; outdoor patio; great breakfasts.
●Grape – 2808 Greenville Avenue; 214-828-1981; thegraperestaurant.com; 35-year institution; great hamburger but really higher end food & wine.
●HG Sply Co. – 2008 Greenville Avenue; 469-334-0895; hgsplyco.com; meat-heavy menu; burgers & salads.
●Highlands Café – 9661 Audelia Road (Lake Highlands); 214-349-2233; highlandscafe.com; great lunch spot.
●Kalachandji’s Palace & Restaurant – 5430 Gurley Avenue; 214-821-1048; kalachandjis.com; vegetarian; lunch.
●Knife – 5680 North Central Expressway (at Hotel Palomar); 214-443-9339; knifedallas.com; have avocado fries.
●Meshack’s Bar-B-Que – 240 East Avenue B (Garland); 214-227-4748; some of best BBQ outside of Hill Country; in hard-to-find shack with no seating; just excellent, pecan-smoked barbecue & sides, served through screen window until meat runs out.
●Penne Pomodoro – 1924 Abrams Parkway (in Lakewood Village); 214-826-6075; pennepomodoro.com; reliable Italian.
●Scalini’s – 2021 Abrams Road; 214-821-8088; scalinisdallas.com; excellent thin-crust pizza.
●Taco Joint – 911 North Peak Street; 214-826-8226; thetacojoint; Austin-style breakfast tacos, starting at 6:30 a.m.
●Taco Joint – 6434 East Mockingbird Lane; 214-821-8226; thetacojoint; Austin-style breakfast tacos, starting at 6:30 a.m.
●20 Feet Seafood Joint – 1160 Peavy Road (Garland); 972-707-7442; 20-feet.com; lobster rolls!
●Urban Taco – 5331 East Mockingbird Lane (at Mockingbird Station); 214-823-4723; urban-taco.com; modern Mexico taqueria in hip setting.
●Urbano Cafe – 1410 North Fitzhugh Avenue; 214-823-8550; urbanodallas.com; tiny, outstanding restaurant; loud.
Mid-Cities (includes Arlington, Carrollton, Cedar Hill, Coppell, Denton & DFW Airport, Grapevine, Irving, Las Colinas & Lewisville)
●Andalous Mediterranean Grill – 6450 North MacArthur Boulevard (Irving); 972-401-8900; andalousgrill.com; very highly regarded; kebabs & pita, etc.
●Bartley’s Bar-B-Q – 413 East Northwest Highway (Grapevine); 817-481-3212; bartleysbbq.com; in nondescript strip mall; excellent barbeque.
●B.B. Bop Rice Bowls – 2460 Lacy Lane (Carrollton); 972-620-9700; bbbopricebowls.com; Korean noodle bowls; also, Vietnamese sandwiches.
●Boi Na Braza – 4025 Wiliam D. Tate Avenue (Grapevine); 817-251-9881; boinabraza.com; Brazilian steak fare.
●CoppellDeli & Deliman’s Grill – 449 West Bethel Road (Coppell); 972-462-0101; coppelldeli.com; since 1989; great burgers & Reubens, as well as breakfast sandwiches.
●FM Smokehouse – 660 Walnut Ridge Drive (Irving); 972-751-6633; fmsmokehouse.com; try beef brisket Frito pie.
●Hannah’s Off Square – 111 West Mulberry Street (Denton); 940-566-1110; hannahsoffthesquare.com; upscale food.
●Mama’s Daughters’ Diner – 2412 West Shady Grove Road (Irving, at Story Road); 972-790-2778; mamasdaughtersdiner.com; home-cooking; great pies.
●Mama’s Daughters’ Diner – 1288 West Main Street (Lewisville, at Old Orchard); 972-353-5955; mamasdaughtersdiner.com; home-cooking; great pies.
●Peaceburger – 1228 William D. Tate Avenue (Grapevine); 817-410-4074; peaceburger.net; open late.
●Pham Thi Truoc – 1901 East Arkansas Lane, suite 111 (Arlington); 817-274-0094; Bo Kho (beef stew) & Com Ga Ro-ti (Tomato rice & Rotisserie Roasted Chicken).
●Queenie’s Steakhouse – 115 East Hickory Street (Denton); 940-442-6832; queeniessteakhouse.com; deluxe steakhouse.
●Ranch at Las Colinas – 857 West John Carpenter Freeway (Irving, at MacArthur Boulevard); 972-506-7262; theranchlc.com; Texana-themed watering hole with cocktails.
●Taste of Europe – 1901 West Pioneer Parkway (Arlington); 817-275-5530; tasteofeuropetx.com; Eastern European & Russian food.
Mid-Town (includes Knox-Henderson, Lovers Lane & Mockingbird Lane)
●Abacus – 4511 McKinney Avenue; 214-559-3111; kentrathbun.com/abacus; old standby.
●Adelmo’s – 4537 Cole Avenue; 214-559-0325; adelmos.com; Italian; great, homemade rolls.
●Baboush – 3636 McKinney Avenue; 214-599-0707; baboushdallas.com; Mediterranean.
●Le Bilboquet – 4514 Travis Street; 469-730-2937; facebook.com/pages/Le-Bilboquet-Dallas/179531045539960; French bistro modeled on NYC namesake; some former NYC staffers even work here.
●Bijoux – 5450 West Lovers Lane; 214-350-6100; bijouxrestaurant.com; order melt-in-mouth pork belly & English pea agnolotti.
●Bistro 31 – 87 Highland Park Village; 214-420-3900; bistro31dallas.com; chic, sexy & smart; open-air patio; Mediterranean; try soft-cooked eggs with brioche points.
●Boxwood Tap & Grill – 2901 Thomas Avenue; 214-220-2901; boxwoodtg.com; among best patios in town; standard fare.
●Café Madrid – 4501 Travis Street; 214-528-1731; cafémadrid-dallas.com; tapas.
●City Café – 5757 West Lovers Lane; 214-351-2233; thecitycafedallas.com; gracious neighborhood dining room.
●Cru – 3699 McKinney Avenue (at West Village); 214-526-9463; cruawinebar.com; more than 300 vintages by bottle or cleverly grouped “flights”; good noshing, too, with gorgonzola-pear pizza & cheese fondue being standouts.
●Dragonfly – 2332 Leonard Street (at Hotel ZaZa); 214-550-9500; hotelzazadallas.com; modern.
●La Duni Latin Kitchen – 4620 McKinney Avenue; 214-520-7300; laduni.com; Mexican.
●Eden – 4416 West Lovers Lane; 972-267-3336; eden-dallas.com; small; home-cooking.
●Fearing’s – 2121 McKinney Avenue (at Ritz-Carlton Hotel); 214-922-4848; fearingsrestaurant.com; Kentucky-born Dean Fearing is credited as Southwestern cuisine’s father thanks to his 20-year tenure at Mansion; in 2007, Fearing moved away from his signature cuisine and Mansion to open Fearing’s here.
●Forty-Five Ten – 4510 McKinney Avenue; 214-559-4510; fortyfiveten.com; outdoor seating; great “ladies who lunch” food.
●Gemma – 2323 North Henderson Avenue, Suite 109; 214-370-9426; gemmadallas.com; every item excellent.
●Hibiscus – 2927 North Henderson Avenue; 214-827-2927; hibiscusdallas.com; lovely food & setting.
●Javier’s – 4912 Cole Avenue; 214-521-4211; javiers.net; Mexico-city-style Mexican food.
●Komali Restaurant– 4152 Cole Avenue; 214-252-0200; komalirestaurant.com; contemporary Mexican; fire-place.
●Kozy Kitchen – 4433 McKinney Avenue; 214-219-5044; thekozy.net; grass-fed meats, local produce, organically grown; great breakfasts; dinner Thursday through Saturday.
●Little Katana – 4527 Travis Street; 214-443-9600; littlekatana.com; excellent sushi & steaks.
●Louie’s – 1839 North Henderson Avenue; 214-826-0505; pizza & steaks; bar.
●Malai Thai Vietnamese Kitchen – 3699 McKinney Avenue; 972-591-3387; malaikitchen.com; hand-ground curries & hand-made sauces.
●Mi Cocina – 3699 McKinney Avenue (at West Village); 469-533-5663; mcrowd.com; Mexican food; great bar.
●Perry’s Steakhouse & Grille – 2000 McKinney Avenue; 214-855-5151; perryssteakhouse.com; from prime filet to chateaubriand; famous for hand-carved pork chops (served tableside); 5K bottle wine list.
●Porch – 2912 North Henderson Avenue; 214-828-2916; theporchrestaurant.com; homecooking with bar & sports on tv.
●Rise No. 1 – 5360 West Lovers Lane; 214-366-9900; risesouffle.com; soufflé-centric bistro.
●Rustic – 3656 Howell Street; 214-730-0596; therusticrestaurant.com; indoor-outdoor venue; lovely setting but very loud.
●Salum – 4152 Cole Avenue (at Fitzhugh Avenue); 214-252-9604; salumrestaurant.com; urbane; understated elegance; perfect place for refined lunch.
●Stampede 66 – 1717 McKinney Avenue; 214-550-6966; stampede66.com; both upscale & laid-back; menu that extends from smoking chef tricks to funky diner classics like “Frito pie” (foil bag holds house-made corn chips, topped with chili and served with cheese - in place of shredded cheddar is ”cheddar foam” - and candied jalapenos) and fried chicken (1st brined overnight, then cooked sous vide, then fried, then injected with honey, with biscuits & mashed potato tots).
●Sangria – 4524 Cole Avenue; 214-520-4863; sangriatapasybar.com; tapas with live music.
●Shinsei – 7713 Inwood Road; 214-352-0005; shinseirestaurant.com; chic-est sushi in Dallas; excellent drinks; extremely loud.
●Sissy’s Southern Kitchen & Bar – 2929 North Henderson Avenue; 214-827-9900; sissyssouthernkitchen.com; high-end fried chicken.
●Taco Diner West Village – 3699 McKinney Avenue; 214-521-3669; mcrowd.com.
●Tei-An Soba House & Sushi – 1722 Routh Street; 214-220-2828; tei-an.com; owner Teiichi Sakurai concentrates more on cooking than national reputation; seasonal riffs on hot & cold noodle dishes; his omakase is Japanese cuisine immersion course.
●Toulouse – 3314 Knox Street; 214-520-8999; toulousecafeandbar.com; great brunches; lobster salad is outstanding.
●Urban Taco – 3411 McKinney Avenue; 214-922-7080; urban-taco.com; modern Mexico taqueria in hip setting.
●Veritas Wine Room – 2323 North Henderson Avenue; 214-841-9463; veritaswinedallas.com; beer, noshes (pate) & wine.
●Village Kitchen – 33 Highland Park Village; 214-522-6035; hpvillagekitchen.com; basically upscale diner.
●Ziziki’s – 4514 Travis Street; 214-521-2233; zizikis.com; Greek food; very good.
●Yutaka Sushi Bistro – 2633 McKinney Avenue, Suite 140; 214-969-5533; yutakasushibistro.com.
●Zio Cecio – 4615 West Lovers Lane; 214-351-1100; ziocecio.com; woodburning oven; authentic Italian-Sardinian.
North Dallas (north of Mockingbird, south of 635; includes Allen, Frisco, Plano & Richardson)
●Asian Mint – 11617 Park Central Plaza; 214-363-6655); asianmint.com; Bangkok-style cuisine; cool modern style.
●Bambu – 1930 North Coit Road, Suite 100 (Richardson); 972-480-8880; bambuasiancuisine.com; try pad thai and/or crying tiger beef with sticky rice.
●Big Mama’s Chicken & Waffles – 9810 Forest Lane; 214-340-3035; bigmamaschickenandwaffles.com; family owned & operated soul food restaurant chain established in 2006.
●Bistro B – 9780 Walnut Street; 214-575-9885; bistrob.com; authentic & enormous (read impersonal & rushed); luckily, large menu comes with pictures so you know exactly what you’re getting: excellent Vietnamese food.
●Canary by Gorji – 5100 Belt Line Road (Addison); 972-503-7080; chefgorji.com; small, warm & cozy.
●Crossroads Diner – 8121 Walnut Hill Lane; 214-346-3491; crossroads-diner.com; home-cooking; famous for breakfast sticky buns.
●Cru Wine Bar – 7201 Bishop Road (Plano, at Shops at Legacy); 972-312-9463; cruawinebar.com; more than 300 vintages by bottle or cleverly grouped “flights”; good noshing, too, with gorgonzola-pear pizza & cheese fondue being standouts.
●Cru Wine Bar – 842 Market Street (Allen, at Watters Creek); 972-908-2532; cruawinebar.com; more than 300 vintages by bottle or cleverly grouped “flights”; good noshing, too, with gorgonzola-pear pizza & cheese fondue being standouts.
●Del’s Charcoal Burgers – 110 South McKinney Street (Richardson); 972-235-9191; delsburgers.com; old-fashioned, greasy dive with great burgers & fried twinkies.
●La Comida – 5100 Belt Line Road (Dallas); 972-770-0968; lacomida.com; among top high-end Mexican restaurants.
●La Duni Latin Kitchen – 8687 North Central Expressway (at Northpark Center); 214-987-2260; laduni.com; Mexican.
●Fish Shack – 700 East 15th St; 469-229-0838; fishshackplano.com; dive serving great fried seafood (oysters, shrimp, french fries).
●Giovanni’s Italian Restaurant – 9741 Preston Road (Frisco); 972-335-1244; facebook.com/pages/Giovannis-Italian-Restaurant/117766951582372; funky, low-key Italian & Persian restaurant.
●Gogo Burger – 6129 West Main Street (Frisco); 214-472-2715; gogburgerusa.com; 1st-rate burgers, cheddar cheese tater tots & super shakes.
●Goodfriend Beer Garden & Burger House – 1154 Peavy Road; 214-324-3335; goodfrienddallas.com; burgers & fun bar.
●Good 2 Go Tacos – 1146 Peavy Road; 214-519-9110; good2gotaco.com.
●Jasper’s Restaurant – 7161 Bishop Road (Plano, at Shops at Legacy); 469-229-9111; kentrathbun.com/jaspers; gourmet “backyard” cuisine.
●Kelly’s Eastside – 1422 Avenue K (Plano); 972-424-9200; kellyseastide.com; burgers.
●Kenny’s Burger Joint – 1377 Legacy Drive (Frisco); 214-618-8001; kennysburgerjoint.com; great burgers.
●Kenny’s Wood-Fired Grill – 5000 Belt Line Road (Addison); 972-392-9663; kennyswoodfiredgrill.com; great New England clam chowder & Ghiradelli brownie sundae; also try Java pork tenderloin.
●Kirin Court – 221 West Polk Street (Richardson); 214-575-8888; kirincourt.com; more upscale than nearby Maxim’s but almost as good.
●Latin Pig – 3131 Custer Road, #165; 972-985-9760; thelatinpig.com; try mofongo, albondigas, and have guava & cheese pastry.
●Lavendou Bistro Provencal – 19009 Preston Road; 972-248-1911; lavendou.com; among city’s best restaurants.
●Luigi’s Pizza & Pasta – 4944 Preston Road (Frisco); 972-712-5850; pizzafrisco.com; not related to Luigi’s in Rockwall but still good.
●Maxim’s Restaurant – 310 Terrace Drive (Richardson); 972-231-6371; maximsrichardson.com; peculiarly named, dim sum restaurant; considered among Dallas’ best Chinese restaurants.
●MesoMaya – 11909 Preston Road; 469-726-4390; mesomaya.com; fresh & hearty Mexican food.
●Mexican Sugar – 7501 Lone Star Drive, B150; 972-943-0984; mexicansugarcocina.com; great brunches.
●Mi Cocina – 7201 Skillman Street; 214-503-6426; mcrowd.com; Mexican food; great bar.
●Nazca Kitchen – 8041 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 854; 214-696-2922; nazcakitchen.com; healthy Peruvian.
●Paesano’s – 508 East 14th Street (Plano); 972-578-2727; paesanosrestaurant.net; fab food, with dense homemade bread.
●Princi Italia – 5959 Royal Lane; 214-739-5959; princiitalia.com; authentic Italian.
●Royal China – 6025 Royal Lane (at Preston Royal Village); 214-361-1771; royalchinadallas.com; old school Chinese & dumpling bar, all prepared in stylish setting with fresh ingredients.
●Spoon Bar & Kitchen – 8220 Westchester Drive; 214-368-8220; spoonbarandkitchen.com; seafood specialties; not cheap but very good.
●Suze – 4535 West Northwest Highway; 214-350-6135; suzedallas.com; upscale, nouvelle cuisine.
●True Food Kitchen – 8383 Preston Center Plaza Drive (at Plaza at Preston Center); 214-377-3333; truefoodkitchen.com; expansive menu based on holistic health principles.
●TruFire Kitchen & Bar – 6959 Lebanon Road, #114 (Frisco); 214-872-3830; trufirerestaurants.com; great pizzas, especially whole wheat; try China Ranch Dates.
●Whiskey Cake – 3601 Dallas Parkway (Plano); 972-993-2253; whiskey-cake.com; farm-to-kitchen dishes & good cocktails, too; indoor herb garden.
●Yao Fuzi – 4757 West Park Boulevard (Plano); 214-473-9267; try double-cooked pork surrounded by wheat buns.
Oak Cliff
●Bolsa – 614 West Davis Street; 214-367-9367; bolsadallas.com; dinner & lunch, nouvelle cuisine with locally grown produce.
●Boulavardier – 408 North Bishop Avenue; 214-942-1828; dallasboulevardier.com; French bistro.
●Burguesa Burger – 710 Fort Worth Avenue; 214-748-7376; burguesa.com; Mexican-American burger shack; try La Monumental.
●C Señor – 330 West Davis Street; 214-941-4766; Cuban sandwiches; worth special trip.
●Chicken Scratch – 2303 Pittman Street; 214-749-1112; cs-tf.com; live music in courtyard; fried & grilled chicken ONLY.
●Driftwood – 642 West Davis Street; 214-942-2530; driftwood-dallas.com; seafood.
●Eno’s Pizza Tavern – 407 North Bishop Avenue; 214-943-9200; enospizza.com; brick-oven baked pizza.
●Hattie’s – 418 North Bishop Street; 214-942-7400; hatties.com; southern food; try pecan-crusted catfish.
●Jonathon’s Oak Cliff – 1111 North Beckley Avenue; 214-946-2221; jonathansoakcliff.com; breakfast-brunch are star attractions.
●Lockhart Smokehouse – 400 West Davis Street; 214-944-5521; lockhartsmokehouse.com; run by Kreuz-Schmidt family members; open until meat runs out.
●Lucia! – 408 West 8th Street; 214-948-4998; luciadallas.com; 30-seat boite; Italian.
●Mesa – 118 West Jefferson Boulevard; 214-941-4246; mesadallas.com; known for mole.
●Oddfellows – 316 West 7th Street; 214-944-5958; oddfellowsdallas.com; breakfast, lunch & dinner, 7 days a week; 7 am-10 pm; closed 2-5 p.m.; for locavores.
●Rudy’s Chicken – 3115 Soouth Lancaster Road; 214-375-9234; facebook.com/pages/Rudys-Chicken/60859539026?sk=info&ref=page_internal; great chicken.
●Smoke Restaurant – 901 Fort Worth Avenue; 214-393-4141; smokerestaurant.com; at Belmont Hotel.
●Spiral Diner – 1101 North Beckley Avenue; 214-948-4747; spiraldiner.com; vegetarian; great BLTs.
●Tillman’s Roadhouse – 324 West 7th Street; 214-942-0988; tillmansroadhouse.com; avant garde Texas cooking; make sure to have s’mores for dessert.
●Urban Acres Farmstead – 1605 North Beckley Avenue; 214-466-1260; urbanacresmarket.com; local, non-GMO food.
Oak Lawn
●Asian Mint – 4246 Oak Lawn Avenue; 214-219-6468; asianmint.com; Bangkok-style cuisine; cool modern style.
●DISH – 4123 Cedar Springs Road; 214-522-3474; dish-dallas.com; uber-hip atmosphere but comfort food.
●Hypnotic Sushi – 3211 Oak Lawn Avenue; 214-520-6248; hypnoticsushi.net; some of freshest fish I’ve ever had in Dallas; sit at sushi bar and hope you get Saul as your chef; extra good are Butterfly Kisses (salmon) & aji (kind of Japanese mackerel, off skeleton of which you eat sashimi slices and then waiter whisks skeleton away, deep fries it, and you crunch on that like potato chips.
●La Duni Latin Kitchen & Baking – 4264 Oak Lawn Avenue; 214-520-6888; laduni.com; Mexican.
●Maple & Motor – 4810 Maple Avenue; 214-522-4400; facebook.com/mapleandmotor; burgers, brisket & fried baloney.
●Nonna – 4115 Lomo Alto Drive; 214-521-1800; nonnadallas.com; authentic, Neapolitan; superlative food.
●Oak – 1628 Oak Lawn Ave #110; 214-712-9700; oakdallas.com; nouvelle American; perhaps Dallas’ best new restaurant.
●Pakpao – 1628 Oak Lawn Avenue; 214-749-7002; pakpaothai.com; try shortribs (neua massaman).
●Primebar – 2520 Cedar Springs Road; 214-296-4437; primebardallas.com; contemporary ale house; great kettle chips; good lunch spot.
●Sal’s Pizza Restaurant – 2525 Wycliff Avenue; 214-522-1828; salspizzadallas.com.
●Scardello – 3511 Oak Lawn Avenue; 214-219-1300; scardellocheese.com; try “Sweet Italian” sandwich.
●Scotch & Sausage – 2808 Oak Lawn Avenue; 469-802-6753; scotchandsausage.com; great French Fries.
●Zaguan Latin Cafe & Bakery – 2604 Oak Lawn Avenue; 214-219-8393; zaguan.com; poor-man’s La Duni.
Rockwall (includes Quinlan, Rowlett & Royse City)
●Fatted Calf – 112 East Rusk Street (Rockwall); 972-722-3343; thefattedcalfrestaurant.com; country breakfasts & lunches; once-monthly dinners.
●Luigi’s Italian Cafe – 2002 South Goliad Street (Rockwall); 972-772-3522; luigisitaliancafe.com; authentic Italian food in unlikely (strip-mall-ish) setting.
●Luigi’s Italian Cafe – 611 East Quinlan Parkway (Quinlan); 972-356-9003; luigisitaliancafe.com; authentic Italian food.
●Luigi’s Italian Cafe – 220 East Main Street (Royse City); 972-636-3600; luigisitaliancafe.com; authentic Italian food.
Trinity Groves
●Amberjax Fish Market Grille – 3011 Gulden Lane, Suite 107; 469-513-9088; amberjax.net; fresh seafood that changes daily.
●Casa Rubia – 3011 Gulden Lane, Suite 116; 469-513-6349; casarubiadallas.com; tapas-style eatery; wonderful.
West Dallas
●Korea House – 2598 Royal Lane; 972-243-0434; koreahousedallas.com; Korean food.
●Mama’s Daughters’ Diner – 2610 Royal Lane (at Harry Hines Boulevard); 972-241-8646; mamasdaughtersdiner.com; home-cooking; great pies.
●Seoul Garden – 2502 Royal Lane, #103; 972-484-6090; seoulgardendallas.com; Korean food.
●So Gong Dong Tofu House – 11181 Denton Drive; 972-241-0200; Korean food.
●My Private Driver – 972-245-1270; myprivatedriver.com; professionally dressed drivers that either drive your car or supply everything from limos to Mercedes.
Mid-Cities (includes Arlington, Carrollton, Cedar Hill, Coppell, Denton & DFW Airport, Grapevine, Irving, Las Colinas & Lewisville)
●DrivenDFW – 7501 Esters Boulevard (Irving); 214-695-3388 or 877-257-3289; drivendfw.com; suited professional drivers come to home; drive you in your own car; $35 per hour.
●Sail Dallas – Pier 121 Marina (Lake Lewisville); 214-215-7245; saildallas.com; step onto classic 1969 Hinckley Competition 41 sailboat for picturesque evening out.
North Dallas (north of Mockingbird, south of 635; includes Allen, Frisco, Plano & Richardson)
●Halcyon Days Salon & Spa – 400 Northpark Center (at Neiman Marcus); 214-346-0731; halcyondayssalonsandspas.com.
●Hiatus Spa + Retreat – 5560 West Lovers Lane, #250; 214-352-4111; hiatusspa.com.
West Dallas
●King Spa – 2154 Royal Lane; 214-420-9070; kingspa.com; Jjim-Jil-Bang spa; family oriented, well-being sauna & spa; 9 healing sauna rooms, acupressure massage for body & foot; receive 24-hour pass; given wristband with key to personal locker room.
Downtown (includes City Center, Deep Ellum, Design District, McKinney Avenue & West Village)
●Collage 20th Century Classics – 1300 North Riverfront Boulevard; 214-828-9888; collageclassics.com; museum quality, mid-century modern items.
East Dallas (includes Garland, Lake Highlands, Lakewood, Lower Greenville Avenue & Mesquite)
●Jimmy’s Food Store – 4901 Bryan Street (at Fitzhugh Avenue); 214-823-6180; jimmysfoodstore.com; gourmet food products; also, sandwiches to go.
Mid-Cities (includes Arlington, Carrollton, Cedar Hill, Coppell, Denton & DFW Airport, Grapevine, Irving, Las Colinas & Lewisville)
●H Mart – 2625 Old Denton Road (Carrollton); 972-323-9700; hmart.com; Asian food mart.
Mid-Town (includes Knox-Henderson, Lovers Lane & Mockingbird Lane)
●Timothy Oulton – 4500 North Central Expressway; 214-613-2464; timothyoulton.com; new & vintage goods; very avant garde; home accessories.
●Urban Flower Grange Hall – 4445 Travis Street, Suite 101; 214-443-0600; urbanflowergrangehall.com; curiosities.
North Dallas (north of Mockingbird, south of 635; includes Allen, Frisco, Plano & Richardson)
●IndoPak Market – 323 East Polk Street (Richardson); 972-644-7900; ethnic & imported foods (including meats).
●Valley House Gallery – 6616 Spring Valley Road; 972-239-1462; valleyhouse.com; art gallery with lovely gardens.
●World Food Warehouse – 13434 Floyd Circle (behind Texas Instruments); 972-480-9911; ethnic & imported foods (including meats).
Oak Cliff
●Urban Acres Market – 1605 North Beckley Avenue; 214-466-1260; urbanacresmarket.com; local, non-GMO food.
Oak Lawn
●Scardello – 3511 Oak Lawn Avenue; 214-219-1300; scardellocheese.com; try “Sweet Italian” sandwich.
●Wild Detectives – 314 West 8th Street (Bishop Arts District); 214-942-0108; thewilddetectives.com; bookstore-coffee-Spanish wine shop.
Downtown (includes City Center, Deep Ellum, Design District, McKinney Avenue & West Village)
●Crow Collection of Asian Art – 2010 Flora Street; 214-979-6430; crowcollection.org; both ancient & modern artifacts & works.
●Dallas African-American Museum – Fair Park, 3536 Grand Avenue; 214-565-9026; aamdallas.org.
●Dallas Contemporary – 161 Glass Street; 214-821-2522; dallascontemporary.org; modern art.
●Dallas Holocaust Museum – 211 North Record Street; 214-741-7500; dallasholocaustmuseum.org; effective though small.
●Dallas Museum of Art – 1717 North Harwood Street; 214-922-1200; dm-art.org.
●Dallas Theater Center – 3636 Turtle Creek Boulevard; 214-526-8210; dallastheatercenter.org; only Frank Lloyd Wright-designed theater in America.
●Dallas World Aquarium – 1801 North Griffin Street; 214-720-2224; dwazoo.com; more than aquarium; 3-levels, rainforest-like environment with displays of startling beauty.
●Majestic Theater – 1925 Elm Street; 214-880-0137; liveatthemajestic.com.
●Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge – Spur 366 (over Trinity River, at North Riverfront Boulevard, connects Woodall Rodgers Freeway to Singleton Boulevard); 214-671-9500; trinityrivercorridor.com/transportation/margaret-hunt-hill-bridge; constructed as part of Trinity River Project; designed by Santiago Calatrava, it is 1 of 3 such bridges planned to be built over Trinity; 2nd, Margaret McDermott Bridge, currently under construction.
●Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center – 2301 Flora Street; 214-670-3600; dallassymphony.com.
●Nasher Sculpture Center – 2001 Flora Street; 214-242-5100; nashersculpturecenter.org; over 300 sculptures by 20-21st Centuries greatest artists; good restaurant; can walk across street to Crow Collection of Asian Art & Crow Sculpture Garden (both of which at 2001 Ross Avenue).
●Perot Museum of Nature & Science – 3535 Grand Avenue and 1318 South 2nd Avenue; 214-428-5555; perotmuseum.org and natureandscience.org; new building (1318) is designed by Pritzker-Award-Winning architects, Thom Mayne & Morphosis.
●Pioneer Park – Griffin and Young Streets intersection; 214-953-1184; dallasconventioncenter.com; large cattle herd cast in bronze; good photo-op setting.
●Sixth Floor Museum – 411 Elm Street (in Dallas County Administration Building); 214-747-6660; jfk.org; in former Texas School Book Depository; vantage point from which Oswald allegedly shot Kennedy; make sure to visit Dealey Plaza (abutting landspace).
East Dallas (includes Garland, Lake Highlands, Lakewood, Lower Greenville Avenue & Mesquite)
●Dallas Arboretum & Botanical Garden – 8525 Garland Road; 214-515-6500; dallasarboretum.org; 66 garden and wooded acres; splendid fall and spring displays.
●Fair Park – 3939 Grand Avenue; 214-421-4500; fairpark.org; art deco masterpiece; make sure to visit Hall of State, in particular, as well as Cotton Bowl and Museum of Nature & Science; in Hall of State, Tom Lea mural depicts West Texas cowboy & pioneer family on opposite walls of West Texas Room, completed as part of 1936 Texas Centennial.
●Fraternal Order of Eagles Swimming Pool– 8500 Arturo Drive (East Dallas); 214-327-9563; 3108.foe.com.
●Museum of American Railroad – 1105 Washington Street (Fair Park); 214-428-0101; dallasrailwaymuseum.com.
●Swiss Avenue Historic District – Swiss Avenue; in east Dallas; preserved, early 20th Century mansions along wide boulevard.
●Texas Discovery Gardens – 3601 Martin Luther King Boulevard; 214-428-7476; texasdiscoverygardens.org; 7.5 acre “organic” urban experience; highlights include butterfly house in which butterflies flutter free.
●Trinity River Audubon Center – 6500 Great Trinity Forest Way; 214-398-8722; trinityriveraudubon.org; 120 acres Great Trinity Forest, largest urban bottomland, hardwood forest in US; 5 miles trails.
●White Rock Lake – Lakewood (East Dallas, between Garland Road (south) and East Mockingbird Lane (north), with Buckner Road providing east edge)); 972-622-7283; whiterocklake.org; over 1K acres; city’s “jewel”; biking and hiking paths, picnicking, etc.
Mid-Cities (includes Arlington, Carrollton, Cedar Hill, Coppell, Denton & DFW Airport, Grapevine, Irving, Las Colinas & Lewisville)
●Dogwood Canyon Audubon Center – 1206 West FM 1382 (Cedar Hill); 469-526-1980; dogwoodcanyonaudubon.org; miles of trails over White Rock Escarpment; dogwood and painted buntings.
Mid-Town (includes Knox-Henderson, Lovers Lane & Mockingbird Lane)
●Knox-Henderson – Henderson and Knox Streets, where bisect Central Expressway; boulevard of bars and cafes.
●Meadows Museum – 5900 Bishop Boulevard (SMU Campus at Owens Fine Arts Center); 214-768-0357; meadowsmuseumdallas.org; emphasis on Spanish art; interesting forgery collection.
North Dallas (north of Mockingbird, south of 635; includes Allen, Frisco, Plano & Richardson)
●Rachofsky House – 8605 Preston Road; 214-890-8815; rachofskyhouse.org; modern art collection.
Oak Cliff
●Bishop Art District – Bishop Avenue; collection of old streets crowded with small cafes and shops.
●Bolsa Mercado – 634 West Davis Street; 214-942-0451; bolsadallas.com; great take-out food.
●Dallas Zoo – 650 South R.L. Thornton Freeway; 214-670-5656; dalzoo.org; tremendous zoo with modern, terrain-based exhibits on one side and old-fashioned zoo experience on other.
●Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge – connects Spur 366 (Woodall Rodgers Freeway) in downtown to Singleton Boulevard in west Dallas (over Trinity River); 1 of 3 Santiago Calatrava-designed bridges being built over Trinity River.
●Kessler Theater – 1230 West Davis Street; 214-272-8346; thekessler.org; live music venue.
West Dallas
●Crown Hill Memorial Park & Mausoleum – 9700 Webb Chapel Road; 214-352-4481; where Bonnie Parker buried.
●Western Heights Cemetery – 1617 Fort Worth Avenue (Oak Cliff, run by Trinity Oaks Church of Christ, 7200 South Hampton Road); where Buck and Clyde Barrow buried.
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