(includes Clayton & Valley Park)
●Mud House – 2101 Cherokee Street; 314-776-6599; themudhouse.com; coffee.
●SweetArt – 2203 South 39th Street; 314-771-4278; sweetartstl.com; mom and pop art studio and bakery.
●Buffalo – 3100 Olive Street (Mid-Town Alley); 314-534-2337; buffalobrewingstl.com; local beer geek’s favorite (next door to Pappy’s).
●Civil Life – 3714 Holt Avenue (Tower Grove South); 314-771-9570; thecivillifebrewingcompany.com; 2 level brew-pub with nooks to facilitate conversation.
●4 Hands – 1220 South 8th Street (near Busch Stadium); 314-436-1555; 4handsbrewery.com; brew pub with tasting bar made of 107 year-old, Missouri barn wood.
●FSFU – 5510 Virginia Avenue; 314-351-4500; ironbarley.com; Fred’s 6 Feet Under; owned by Fred Boettcher, Jr. (a/k/a Fred Friction), proprietor of former Frederick’s Music Lounge.
●Moonrise Hotel – 6177 Delmar Boulevard; 314-721-1111; moonrisehotel.com; rooftop bar.
●Olio – 1634 Tower Grove Avenue (McRee Town); 314-932-1088; oliostl.com; in Art Deco gas station; wonderful cocktails, on patio (weather permitting).
●Perennial Artisan Ales – 8125 Michigan Avenue (South Carondelet); 314-631-7300; perennialbeer.com; brew pub.
●Planter’s House – 1000 Mississippi Avenue; 314-696-2603; plantershousestl.com; romantic, cozy spot for cocktails.
●Royale – 3132 South Kingshighway; 314-772-3600; theroyale.com; Art Deco-style bar of blond wood and glass; extensive cocktail menu; nice backyard patio.
●Six Row – 3690 Forest Park Avenue (Mid-Town Alley); 314-531-5600; sixrowbrew.com; brew pub.
●Taste by Niche – 1831 Sidney Street; 314-773-7755; nichestlouis.com; try Grey Fizz (gin, Earl-Grey-infused vermouth, lemon, egg whites) and cookies with bacon cream.
●Urban Chestnut – 3229 Washington Avenue (Mid-Town Alley); 314-222-0143; urbanchestnut.com; brew pub with small garden in front, with long wooden tables shipped from Germany.
●Chase Park Plaza – 212-232 North Kingshighway; 314-627-0168 or 877-587-2427; chaseparkplaza.com.
●Four Seasons – 999 North 2nd Street; 314-881-5800 or 800-819-5053; fourseasons.com/stlouis; part of striking riverside complex; casino.
●Moonrise Hotel – 6177 Delmar Boulevard; 314-721-1111; moonrisehotel.com; pleasant boutique with central location; rooftop bar and restaurant, Eclipse.
●Donut Stop – 1101 Lemay Ferry Road; 314-631-3333; thedonutstopinc.net; glazed donuts, fried pies, fritters, and custard-filled rounds.
●Eclipse – 6177 Delmar Boulevard (at Moonrise Hotel); 314-721-1111; moonrisehotel.com.
●Elaia – 1634 Tower Grove Avenue (McRee Town); 314-932-1088; elaiastl.com; Mediterranean fine dining.
●Franco – 1535 South 8th Street; 314-436-2500; eatatfranco.com; industrial-chic bistro; French.
●Imo’s – 3222 Morgan Ford Road; 314-773-1977; imospizza.com.
●Imo’s – 1828 Washington Avenue; 314-241-6000; imospizza.com.
●Imo’s – 1 South Broadway (Hilton St. Louis at Ballpark); 314-641-8899; imospizza.com.
●Iron Barley – 5510 Virginia Avenue; 314-351-4500; ironbarley.com; 4 stars.
●Little Country Gentleman – 8135 Maryland Avenue (Clayton); 314-725-0719; littlecountrygentleman.com; fine dining; 3 tasting menus nightly that draw on ingredients sourced from midwest; Old World wines.
●Local Harvest Café & Catering – 3137 Morgan Ford Road; 314-772-8185; localharvestcafe.com; in Tower Grove neighborhood; organic food; 4-course menu on Saturday nights.
●Monarch – 7401 Manchester Road; 314-644-3995; monarchrestaurant.com; American-Asian-French fusion.
●Olio – 1634 Tower Grove Avenue (McRee Town); 314-932-1088; oliostl.com; in Art Deco gas station; Mediterranean; small plates.
●Pappy’s Smokehouse – 3106 Olive Street; 314-535-4340; pappyssmokehouse.com; highly regarded barbecue; try deep-fried corn on cob.
●Taste by Niche – 1831 Sidney Street; 314-773-7755; nichestlouis.com.
●Winslow’s Home – 7211 Delmar Boulevard; 314-725-7559; winslowhome.com; great place for brunch; doubles as general store; try brioche French toast.
●Apop Records – 2831 Cherokee Street; 314-664-6576; apoprecords.com; music.
●PhD Gallery – 2300 Cherokee Street; 314-664-6644; phdstl.com; art.
●Soulard Market – 730 Carroll Street; 314-622-4180; stlouis.missouri.org/citygov/soulardmarket/; farmers’ market.
●SweetArt – 2203 South 39th Street; 314-771-4278; sweetartstl.com; mom and pop art studio and bakery.
●American Kennel Club Museum of Dog – 1721 South Mason Road; 314-821-3647; museumofthedog.org; collection devoted to dog art.
●Cherokee Street – cherokeeantiquerow.net; transitional neighborhood known for antique shops.
●Citygarden – 720 Olive Street; 314-421-4063; citygardenstl.org; sculpture park; arcing limestone wall maps river.
●Forest Park – 5595 Grand Drive; 314-367-7275; stlouis.missouri.org/citygov/parks/forestpark; 1.2K acres downtown; houses museums and greenhouse.
●Gateway Arch – 100 Washington Avenue; 314-655-1600 or 877-982-1410 (tickets); gatewayarch.com; clad in stainless steel, this flattened catenary arch is tallest man-made monument in US; designed by Finnish-American architect Eero Saarinen & German-American structural engineer Hannskarl Bandel in 1947.
●Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum – 1 Brookings Drive (on Washington University campus); 314-935-4523; kemperartmuseum.wustl.edu; designed by Fumihiko Maki; contemporary and traditional art.
●Missouri Botanical Garden – 4344 Shaw Boulevard; 314-577-5100; mobot.org; nation’s oldest continuously operating botanical garden; 79 acres with largest Japanese garden in US; make sure to see “Jewel Box,” contemporary, striking greenhouse built in 1936.
●Peabody Opera House – 1400 Market Street; 314-499-7600; peabodyoperahouse.com; renovated historic building that exhibits live music and other arts performances.
●Pulitzer Foundation for Arts – 3716 Washington Boulevard; 314-754-1850; pulitzerarts.org; considered “perfect museum”; designed by Tadao Ando.
●St. Louis Art Museum – 1 Fine Arts Drive; 314-655-5249; slam.org; among America’s principal art museums.
●St. Louis Zoo – 1 Government Drive; 314-781-0900; stlzoo.org.
●World Bird Sanctuary – 125 Bald Eagle Ridge Road (Valley Park); 636-225-4390; worldbirdsanctuary.org; 300 acre threatened bird reserve.
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